Peter Strumberger

Peter Strumberger


Schondorf, DE
  • Member of the Board and shareholder (75%) of Strumberger AG Steuerberatungsgesellschaft Munich (30 employees)
  • Various supervisory board mandates
  • Tax consultant (self-employed since 1989)
  • Specialist consultant for business succession (DStV e.V.)
  • Assessor EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management) (1997 + 2021)
  • Certified eigenland consultant
  • ID37 Master
  • NLP Master-Systemic Coach (2008)
  • Mental trainer (2019)

My field of activity focuses on holistic entrepreneurial counselling as a companion, consultant, coach and mediator. By this I mean the integration of all relevant aspects of entrepreneurial life. In addition to the financial and fiscal factors, I also focus on the specific entrepreneurial, personal and human factors.
fiscal - entrepreneurial - personal.

Peter Strumberger

Peter Strumberger

Seeberg 3a
86938 Schondorf
+49 178 5461610

We are sorry!


  • Member of the Board and shareholder (75%) of Strumberger AG Steuerberatungsgesellschaft Munich (30 employees)
  • Various supervisory board mandates
  • Tax consultant (self-employed since 1989)
  • Specialist consultant for business succession (DStV e.V.)
  • Assessor EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management) (1997 + 2021)
  • Certified eigenland consultant
  • ID37 Master
  • NLP Master-Systemic Coach (2008)
  • Mental trainer (2019)

My field of activity focuses on holistic entrepreneurial counselling as a companion, consultant, coach and mediator. By this I mean the integration of all relevant aspects of entrepreneurial life. In addition to the financial and fiscal factors, I also focus on the specific entrepreneurial, personal and human factors.
fiscal - entrepreneurial - personal.